Fathala Reserve and Kunta Kinteh Island
After breakfast let us drive closer the North Gambian border for a visit in Fathala Reserve.
We will enjoy a typical African bush experience in an open-air vehicle, to see family herds of the rare West African giant derby eland, only found in this part of the world
Also to be seen are giraffes, rhinos, buffalos, warthogs, also zebras as well as red and green monkeys and exquisitely colored bird species.
We may meet other antelope species such as roan, waterbuck and bushbuck.
This safari is an option and another possibility will be the lion walk experience.
Driving back at the gates of this park for a briefing with the guide’s rangers before meeting the king of the jungle
The ‘’Lion walk’’ is a chance to walk with some tamed lions, that have been raised from a young age.
Accompanied by local guides or rangers, we will have less than hour, with the king of the Jungle, a rare opportunity for a great postal card
After these adrenaline rushes, route for the border’s formalities and continuation to reach Jufureh, the land of Alex Haley's "Roots movie"
From Albreda on the main land which gained fame in the period of slavery as a result of its Flag Pole, which many believed would guarantee freedom to anyone who touched it after escaping from nearby James Island reached after 20mn by boat
Observe the ruins of Kunta Kinteh Island a place of lust between French, English, Portuguese and Dutch, settled in the middle of the Gambia river
Sail back to the village of Jufureh to where the ancestry of “Kunta Kinteh" of Roots fame was traced.
The restored original home of the Kinteh clan still occupied by the Kinteh family can be visited and also the slaves museum
After interacting with the Kinteh family, we will drive back to Bara for our ferry to Banjul
Overnight in Banjul